Thursday 10 April 2014

Confusion haunts !!

I stand in this diversion 

Facing my strongest confusion 

Both calling for me to conquer 

But one has to be chosen to make life charmer 

I face this big dilemma

Which path to choose from this wide panorama 

Confused perplexed nervous a bit 

My bright future in one of them sits 

But I don't know which one to choose 

One would make me bright another would make me loose 

One path I see to be very hard 

The other is as simple as that of a retard's

Hard work is embedded in the hard one 

Difficult it seems, disinvolving fun 

But the other being straight as scale 

Fun easy , work of a frail 

Result too are foggy in the path one 

All I think would choose the second one 

But I am not the all 

I am a piece of sugar in this box of salt 

And yes I have made up my mind 

The first path have upon me a gripping bind 

I want to conquer this world , I want to be bright ,shiny luminous 

And only hard work can make that glory serious ..