Friday 21 November 2014

Sleepless nights

Something keeping me awake 

Keeping me alive like freshwater lake 

A thousand ton sit on my eyes 

Second by second slowly flies 

Nor i move nor i rest 

Empowered by alien zest 

The mind infected by complete hangover 

But this reality doesnt get over 

I am on periphery of gates of dreamworld 

But my path is strongly huddled 

I dont know what gnaws me 

Stopping me  to reach my destiny 

I lay in my bed doing nothing 

What may i do to remove this something 

My eyes ready to fall 

My mind working on speed of baby's crawl 

Body as heavy as my eyes 

Situation akin to demise 

And yet i explore for motivation 

Motivation to end this exploration 

And enter into fantasy delight 

Bringing an end to my sleepless nights..