Thursday 10 December 2015


The winds are changing
Warmth slowly waining
The freeze is setting in
Frosting slowly everything
My hands are numb
My feets are numb
My tongue is numb
My mind is numb
But what throttles is this soul
Ignited as a burning coal
Jumping , surging , urging to fly
To fly and fly and fly
Like in a static pole
The ever energetic electricity flow
The soul being the the electricity
Runs from head to toe
Just to find an opening
A doorway to exit from the sufferings
The sufferings of the sins
Sins of humans , sins towards humans
Sins of hypocriscy , sins of greed
Sins of violence , sin of silence
And burdened by the growing sins
The soul jumps , surges and urges to fly
To fly and fly and fly
Liberation it wants
From all desires and wants
And attain the peace
The light
The illuminati
And fly and fly and fly ....

Friday 27 November 2015

Deception point

A reciprocator
An imagor
A replicator 
All assumed to be synonyms of mirror

But does it truly accomplishes 
What its name pitches
Or is it only a reciprocator of wishes
That shows an illusion of vicious wish stiches

If i come to know now ,
What it has shown me is just an illusion 
An illusion of myself , an illusion of my sorrows and fun 

What if whatever i had seen is hoax
And reality has been kept away by this vicious hoaxer

What if throughout my life 
I had seen me , but not me 
Seen only a mirage of what mirror made of me 

The fear gnaws me 
Can it possible be 
That what i percieve of myself to be 
Am i really that what i see 

It seldom feels like a banjara lost in vast illusionary desert 
Who constantly sees water 
But at last acquainted with mirage 
A delight which is nothing but facade

But in all this i facade what i can ascertain is,
Certainly, Illusion it is 
But illusion it may be 

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Voyage from silence to peace

For once, gently shut down the world imagers 

Seal down the mighty story orator 

Stand out in the path of frequency disturbance

And enter the world of clamourous silence 

All around no voice 

But This quiet not devoid of noise 

No sound to beat my sensitive drum membrane

But these boistreous roars drives insane 

Not a mouth with a word

But this noise sounds absurd

A silenece where a grain would chime

The silence roars like actors of mime

A volcano bubbles 

With voices it trebles 

As i close down my eyes 

Thousand images and sounds arise

Waiting to narrate their saga

Each sound glaring on a different raga 

They say there is peace in silence 

But i percieve it to be worn out by noisy essence 

Silence lies far behind peace 

Peace , a whole choclate , silence bieng its piece

A person may easily attain that silence , that calmness

But his noisy actions will pursuit his bubble happiness 

He thinks silence may bring him serenity 

But the moment he closes his world imagers 

And seal down the mighty word orator 

The arms of highest decibels of his sins will grasp him 

Repramand him, burn him , make his morals dim 

He will be forced to again open his repremanded eyes 

Since the saga of reality is far less scarier then the noise of silence 

Physical, being better than mental violence 

Dear fella , peace sits at your doorsteps 

Yet for dimunitive pleasures and sins you let the peace lapse ?

To attain the illuminati , the peace 

Leave behind everything , run away from all sins and greed 

And once again close world imagers 

To leave behind all the noise 

To take a rebirth as a prodigy 

To finally attain the illuminated serenity 

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Yesterday only my new life started 

a new era ,  a new aura crafted 

yesterday only fun started to enroll 

Enlightment of my body and soul 

yesterday only my dreams matured 

and my fantasy turned reality from obscure 

yesterday only i have laughed till my life 

leaving behind all pains and strife 

yesterday only i engulfed my beloved 

In my heart their heart beat impulsed 

Alas ! These three years passed in a day 

i wish god give me one more day ,

So that , my fantasy i can again renew 

and live this life again before this adieu ...

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Strive for illumination

This is a colossal world ,

With hundreds miles and thousands whirls,

And here with my tiny legs I rise,

forming a very small part of world premise ,

I open up my tiny eyes ,

Strech my wings and strive for hieghts ,

But then i see the bright ,

brighter than extreme white ,

And my lust grows ,

and my heart commands to flow ,

Towards my fascination ,

to achieve the illumination ,

so i wave my arms and start my peregrination,

to my edification route , path of illumination,

my journey is no ordinary,

its full of happiness and worries ,

Each one applauds for me ,

I think its beacuse i dared to see ,

the bright light , the future ,

With jealous faces they clap to compare my small size with my large dream aperture ,

sometimes i think these applause can deter me ,

to reach illumination , to break free ,

for i may get stuck and lose my life ,

but with a swift wave i pitch my hurdles aside ,

and move on to my ultimate destination ,

the path that leads to illumination,

and i strike my arms harder ,

to reach farther and farther ,

and attain the white light ,

that light - my lust ,my passion, my might ,

I dodged all applauses all lusts ,

to quench my final thirst ,

And finally i stood before my fantasy,

My future awaits the victory born out of the drudgery history ,

i have attained the light , the illumination ,

my fascination has altered to satisfaction 

And now ,even if i die 

i have no complaints ,nothing to justify 

coz nothing's greater gonna happen to me than being an illuminated "fly"...

Monday 2 March 2015


Our minds rattle to battle

And hassle at speed of vettel 

To run the race , to supersede 

To outdo others and get a lead 

Whats good, we dont know 

Only best is our vow 

And to attain this madness

Ready we are to harness 

Any resource to innovate

And create and create again to reciprocate 

Reciprocate the massive coup 

And get ahead in this prolonged loop

And this mania acts as an impulse 

As an impulse for our mind's appulse 

Hoist thou flags

Before i hoist the flags again

Before i sail 

Before the sun rise 

And when the evil prevail 

Thou will be aware 

Of story that i beware 

So listen very carefully 

My eerie story

A large ship larger than the large

Set on a voyage 

a voyage, so massive to dream

No one dared to conquer on what we were keen

All faces blossomed 

All bodies Spirited

One aim united us all 

To conquer, to stand tall 

So we sailed, hoisted our flags 

And merrily toward our destiny we dragged 

The nights would pass and days would go

But minds were still towed 

With the idea to conquer 

The glimpse of millions 

And applause of trillions

But One fine night 

When everything was going right 

Our massive vessel was struck 

Struck by storm so affrighting

Storm that a human eye i doubt hast ever seen 

It was not a storm 

But a sinister in garb of adversity 

Uprooting us all , having no pity 

Our ship was strong , we were strong 

But the sinister was stronger 

And brutally he ripped apart 

Our massive ship in two parts

Oh ! I remember how we tried 

And how we cried 

To reunite the broken 

and relive the reverie that the witty sinister forsaken

What remained were two planks with dashed hopes 

thrown avaunt farther for even a long long rope 

A ship that roared out of its den 

In this massive cosmic sea 

To make it small , petty

Now divided in two planks eerily ferry

Ironically aimlessly 

Our ambition was chiseled 

And our thoughts were riddled 

In constant maze of madness 

Madness of extreme sadness 

But in this hour of sadness, i say thou 

What's a voyage without hurdles 

A victory is a disgrace without fumbles

We have our plank 

We have our flags 

And the sun is set to rise 

So lets hoist the flags and begin to sail 

Regain the intent and good will again trail