Monday 2 March 2015


Our minds rattle to battle

And hassle at speed of vettel 

To run the race , to supersede 

To outdo others and get a lead 

Whats good, we dont know 

Only best is our vow 

And to attain this madness

Ready we are to harness 

Any resource to innovate

And create and create again to reciprocate 

Reciprocate the massive coup 

And get ahead in this prolonged loop

And this mania acts as an impulse 

As an impulse for our mind's appulse 

Hoist thou flags

Before i hoist the flags again

Before i sail 

Before the sun rise 

And when the evil prevail 

Thou will be aware 

Of story that i beware 

So listen very carefully 

My eerie story

A large ship larger than the large

Set on a voyage 

a voyage, so massive to dream

No one dared to conquer on what we were keen

All faces blossomed 

All bodies Spirited

One aim united us all 

To conquer, to stand tall 

So we sailed, hoisted our flags 

And merrily toward our destiny we dragged 

The nights would pass and days would go

But minds were still towed 

With the idea to conquer 

The glimpse of millions 

And applause of trillions

But One fine night 

When everything was going right 

Our massive vessel was struck 

Struck by storm so affrighting

Storm that a human eye i doubt hast ever seen 

It was not a storm 

But a sinister in garb of adversity 

Uprooting us all , having no pity 

Our ship was strong , we were strong 

But the sinister was stronger 

And brutally he ripped apart 

Our massive ship in two parts

Oh ! I remember how we tried 

And how we cried 

To reunite the broken 

and relive the reverie that the witty sinister forsaken

What remained were two planks with dashed hopes 

thrown avaunt farther for even a long long rope 

A ship that roared out of its den 

In this massive cosmic sea 

To make it small , petty

Now divided in two planks eerily ferry

Ironically aimlessly 

Our ambition was chiseled 

And our thoughts were riddled 

In constant maze of madness 

Madness of extreme sadness 

But in this hour of sadness, i say thou 

What's a voyage without hurdles 

A victory is a disgrace without fumbles

We have our plank 

We have our flags 

And the sun is set to rise 

So lets hoist the flags and begin to sail 

Regain the intent and good will again trail