Wednesday 29 April 2015


Yesterday only my new life started 

a new era ,  a new aura crafted 

yesterday only fun started to enroll 

Enlightment of my body and soul 

yesterday only my dreams matured 

and my fantasy turned reality from obscure 

yesterday only i have laughed till my life 

leaving behind all pains and strife 

yesterday only i engulfed my beloved 

In my heart their heart beat impulsed 

Alas ! These three years passed in a day 

i wish god give me one more day ,

So that , my fantasy i can again renew 

and live this life again before this adieu ...

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Strive for illumination

This is a colossal world ,

With hundreds miles and thousands whirls,

And here with my tiny legs I rise,

forming a very small part of world premise ,

I open up my tiny eyes ,

Strech my wings and strive for hieghts ,

But then i see the bright ,

brighter than extreme white ,

And my lust grows ,

and my heart commands to flow ,

Towards my fascination ,

to achieve the illumination ,

so i wave my arms and start my peregrination,

to my edification route , path of illumination,

my journey is no ordinary,

its full of happiness and worries ,

Each one applauds for me ,

I think its beacuse i dared to see ,

the bright light , the future ,

With jealous faces they clap to compare my small size with my large dream aperture ,

sometimes i think these applause can deter me ,

to reach illumination , to break free ,

for i may get stuck and lose my life ,

but with a swift wave i pitch my hurdles aside ,

and move on to my ultimate destination ,

the path that leads to illumination,

and i strike my arms harder ,

to reach farther and farther ,

and attain the white light ,

that light - my lust ,my passion, my might ,

I dodged all applauses all lusts ,

to quench my final thirst ,

And finally i stood before my fantasy,

My future awaits the victory born out of the drudgery history ,

i have attained the light , the illumination ,

my fascination has altered to satisfaction 

And now ,even if i die 

i have no complaints ,nothing to justify 

coz nothing's greater gonna happen to me than being an illuminated "fly"...