Wednesday 27 May 2015

Voyage from silence to peace

For once, gently shut down the world imagers 

Seal down the mighty story orator 

Stand out in the path of frequency disturbance

And enter the world of clamourous silence 

All around no voice 

But This quiet not devoid of noise 

No sound to beat my sensitive drum membrane

But these boistreous roars drives insane 

Not a mouth with a word

But this noise sounds absurd

A silenece where a grain would chime

The silence roars like actors of mime

A volcano bubbles 

With voices it trebles 

As i close down my eyes 

Thousand images and sounds arise

Waiting to narrate their saga

Each sound glaring on a different raga 

They say there is peace in silence 

But i percieve it to be worn out by noisy essence 

Silence lies far behind peace 

Peace , a whole choclate , silence bieng its piece

A person may easily attain that silence , that calmness

But his noisy actions will pursuit his bubble happiness 

He thinks silence may bring him serenity 

But the moment he closes his world imagers 

And seal down the mighty word orator 

The arms of highest decibels of his sins will grasp him 

Repramand him, burn him , make his morals dim 

He will be forced to again open his repremanded eyes 

Since the saga of reality is far less scarier then the noise of silence 

Physical, being better than mental violence 

Dear fella , peace sits at your doorsteps 

Yet for dimunitive pleasures and sins you let the peace lapse ?

To attain the illuminati , the peace 

Leave behind everything , run away from all sins and greed 

And once again close world imagers 

To leave behind all the noise 

To take a rebirth as a prodigy 

To finally attain the illuminated serenity