Saturday 2 April 2016

Living in a lie

Life, a magnificent stage 

Entrapped in a fabrication cage 

Where everything is a truth 

But everything is a lie 

Like a skillful protagonist 

In the glamour of the stage admist 

He plays many a roles

Unfolding many a chapter, life holds

And with each progressive fold 

He advances his voyage to lie 

A lie that he cant descry 

Born he was pure , pristine

The last time when innocence and truth align

As he gets acquainted with new characters 

Who on their stage are fabulous actors 

He being naive, steps in the quagmire 

Quagmire he aint afraid of , quagmire that he admire

Quagmire of pretence,myth and lie

A lie that he cant descry 

He doesnt have the audacity nor the capacity 

To question the life-stage's authenticity 

Cause the bigger stage , the society, would name him hysteric 

To question whether his life pivot is authentic 

And brought up , he was ,to believe the essence

The essence of his actions was no pretence

All acts of his will, all acts of his desired fantasy 

Destined to fill him with ecstacy

But dawns upon him a truth 

The truth of the biggest lie 

Which was diligently placed in chapter one of his life 

And with which he had ever drive 

The realization strikes

That an actor he was all his life 

Pretending , acting skillfully on this magnificent stage

Where he thought his acts were to fulfil dreams that he envisage

But not more than a puppet he was 

Dancing to the whims and fancies of the audience 

A stage he always thought he beholds 

But unaware that he was under the stage hold

Not mire than a harbinger of smile and delight 

Fulfilling onlooker's expectations like a dark knight 

And in the last chapter of the play

Filled by wrath and dismay 

Still his heart forces him to deny

That he wasnt able to descry

That he was living in a lie