Wednesday 9 November 2016

Hell to heaven

I was walking a lonely road
A road that had no one aboard
A road that was all grey in its gloom
As if wrying on its doom
And i walked lost without any hope
Legs resisted , body being pulled by an invisible rope
And with all gray in that wide array
I just desired it or I to run away, run away
And when there was no sight of any respite
I saw shining a bright light
A light which came from another world
To enlighten , to brighten my world
It came from behind the tree
A light that was heavenly, that was free
It was as if someone has ensorcelled my senses
Not necessary to blink for i cant allow anything to block my lenses
And i stood there , stupified, mesmerized , hypnotized by this manifestation
Each ray of light , touching my soul , adding to my delectation
Each ray of light , constructing a new bridge of hope
And making me more obdurate to resist the pull of invisible rope
No ordinary light it was , casted straight from heaven
Singing silently the melodious symphonies of beethoven
And lost i was enjoying my dope
Listening to the melodious silence of rays of hope
Like a disciple admiring the beauty of the omnipotent
My face exclaimed the euphoria which was somewhere latent
The ecstacy which was otherwise snatched by grey
Was showered upon me by these godly ray
And nothing more i demand , nothing more can add to my satisfaction
For while living in inferno , i have seen my heaven