Saturday 25 November 2017

The golden deer

Far away, my child
In the distant wild
There is a deer
Golden , beautiful
But within a glimpse, dissapear
People claim they have seen it
But no one can prove
No one can tell
What it is
How it looks
But there it is
In the distant jungle
Hidden , waiting for you !
That you will catch him
Bring him
And be the master of him
And motivated was I
To catch thy
The golden smeared deer
The divine the angelic legend
So I Started my voyage to find the mirage
And with golden beauty in eyes
And a hope to make it my
Left I
Tried hard and hard and hard
No clue no card
Stories , legends ending never
But none eyes did savour
Many saw the golden appearing
Many saw the golden dissapearing
One claimed to see it's tail
But no one could a full sight avail
Doubts crept
Anxiousness leapt
Did it really exist
For the aim i persist
And in the journey no one seemed to assist
All legends just a hoax list
And thought I
What was I admist
But for he guided me no , the deer exist
And I couldn't loose the hope admist
I continued my voyage
Trying hard
Eyes open
Only in the search
That no I won't tame you
I won't catch you
But atleast show me you are there
Prove me waste are not the efforts I bear
But the golden seemed more to be an angel to me now
For, nothing was there
Furious was I
Anxious was I
On the one who told me
Far away my child
In the distant wild
There resides a dear
Where is it ?
Have you ever seen it ?
How could you be so selfish
How could you be self centered
How could you just let me go
In a wild
Nothing is here
I have tried my best
To find the dear deer
Golden smeared
In fury I started to march away
I walked astray
Hopeless , thoughtless vision less
I felt weak , I felt angry , I was distressed
Retreating was I
No hope lied thy
With a hint of cry
And a big sigh
I walked away , I walked away
And on my back home
A very beautiful valley caught my attention
Mesmerized I was with the beauty
For a moment I thought
Just keep aside the duty
And let's just do nothing
Sit there
And not think anything
And let the worries just fade away
This deer is no where !
It was all a hoax
To misguide me
To fool me
To betray me
Many questions I had
But the valley called and I just sat
Closed my eyes
And wandered off
And moments later
The most golden the brightest
The most beautiful
Enchanted with divine beauty
The angelic deer
Stood in front of me
Calling me to be with him
Play with him
Run with him
And hug him
And I stood there admiring the aura
No words
No thought I had
Who did what who said what
Neither I moved nor he did
And then it dissapeared
I wasn't sad
I still felt it to be there
And I don't know how
With a sudden click
My eyes flicked
Was I asleep
But the deer was there
I saw it clean and clear
And somehow I felt happy now
I was not hopeless
I saw the deer
The golden smeared
Realized I
Though hard I try
Hard I try
But I reached the distant
The distant distant
Was always so near
The deer was always near
The deer was always here ! 🙈