Sunday 16 March 2014

Tale of a flame

A flame flickering

Trying its best to sing 

A song so faint so feeble 

Like among rocks a pebble 

Waving right to left left to right 

Attempting to get a sight 

Audience it seeks 

Telling its tale through small beak 

It shines so bright 

Lighting the surround with its might 

A captive held in a glass 

Trying not to be alas 

People come sit laugh talk and go 

Even in large crowd loneliness ads to sorrow 

But no, it still waves 

There's hope in me it says 

It lives his life king size 

And try to rise and rise and rise 

But suddenly then a wind flows by 

And the poor flames dies the poor flame dies 

A matchstick then appears from the dark 

And the flame in the glass again lives on its mark 

And it's journey again starts 

To carve a niche for itself in other's heart , other's heart 

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