Sunday 20 July 2014

contradiction of divinity

Since my childhood I wrapped my hands 
Closed my eyes and sang 
Sang aloud in chorus some divine words 
Words which were then blurred 
Essence of divinity grasped me 
Without knowing what is divinity 
But now I remember my past 
And think was I daft 
The whole concept of divinity
Lies miles away from worshipping the deity
Flowers , candles milk all tools to amplify devotion
Are nothing but waste , are divinity's revocation
Even the concept of finding God in a stone
Is like dialling a wrong phone
God can't be find in temples
Nor can divinity be amplified by worshipping rice or flower samples
True divinity lies in oneself
And can be amplified by helping other than self
God is nothing but a spirit
Which in everybody's heart comfortably sits
Encouraging him to do good
Refraining him from entering evil brotherhood
Helping a person deprived , a person who is in need
Is like planting a seed
Planting a seed in God's own heart
Since God resides in every heart
Those hands that preach of divinity
Yet have no feelings nor they pity
Are entangled in the world of hypocriscy
And likewise become victim of hypocrisy
They keep thinking that worshipping God is path to God
But their acts instead , taking them far from God
The ultimate satisfaction remains in helping others
Giving good for good and good for evil , treating everyone like brothers
And the essence of divinity lies in the defination
Lies in the defination of this ultimate path of satisfaction ...

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