Wednesday 24 August 2016

The mighty unknown !

I walk a lonely road
The only one that i have ever known
And I frame where it goes
That all need to walk alone , walk alone
And no one can escape
The road that i have made
All need to travel
No matter how hard may be the gravel
My ways are not straight
Twisty turvy turns always await
Simple is not a word i reckon
Enticing for me is a perpetual warning by beacon
Artist i am , scenery i create
My road is my scenery , my road is other's fate
So careful i must be when i design scenery
Why make it so much glee with greenery
And hence i add to my road the colors of grief
To my lonely road , i want to plant an adventure leaf
As i say simple i dont reckon
Metamorphism my road will have in seconds
And with topsy turvy turns i would so much divert
That in a jiffy person lands from canopies to desert
People would love me , people would hate me
People would hail me , people will condemn me
But i will keep walking on my lonely road
Which is the one i have ever know
And i frame where it goes
That all people will always have to walk alone
Through the journey of my fellow mates
I would hate to listen that voyage was so straight
Addition hence i want to make to their fate
Experiences which may be sour , experiences which may be great
And on every corner of the road i create
A challenge would await
For the experience process to initiate .
My challenges are not a child's play
Many fragile hearts have jumped off the difficult way
But walk on my lonely insane road with valour
For once try to just let go and become a sailor
And through out your journey
Your souls would drop
Your souls would soar
But at last by pride u can roar
That you have walked this lonely road
Which you have never known
Framed by me , the time
The mighty, ominous time

Sunday 7 August 2016

Peace on war

They told us to load the guns
To invoke hatred , violence with each dawning sun
To beseech for the war so glorious
Combatting for peace by a war so ferocious

Slaughtered massacre they want
Connection of red with brown they long
Suppressing the noise by strangling the throats
They believe with every drop of blood , tranquility floats

With the intentions of brutus
And the power of hercules
They crave for a crusade
To fulfil desires for peace

They say ,
Throttle the heads
Silence will prevail
No head to speak
Peace would trail

Win they want over peace
Fight for it they must they forsee

But question I thou
Peace you preach
But by war how ?

The biggest irony my ears have caught
Where for peace wars are fought ?
In the name of god and in the name of tranquility
Laying down hundreds of life without pity

Serenity thy fantasy
But Silence thy destiny
Silence uproared by bloistrous noises
Noise blackened by your sin's voices

U may strangle now
Supress, crumble and claim glory now
But soon cometh the hour you will regret
When deeds of your past you can't forget

Bedore waging the epic war,
Just for one moment drop all weapons
Weapons possessed by you
And weapon that possesses you
Former being menial
Latter being the devil's avenue
And sit back and relax
Ponder , why you need an axe
Peace you demand , war you preach
Paradox to me , it completely seems
Peace is the serenity filled with beauty
War is a massacre possessed by blood and mutiny
Peace is a sweet melody sung by the god himself
War is a curse spelt by the devil himself

Invoke calmness within and see the spellworking
Peace would crept up omniously from within
All your weapons i say are futile
Wasting you were , your time , all the while
Mates ! Peace cannot be won ! Peace cant be chained !
Peace can only be achieved by boarding the introspection train

For what you preach
U want no war on peace
Only focus what you admire for
And with great ardor declare Peace On War

And finally with the weapon aside
Peace would come alive
Ecstacy would spread by
Among you and family thy
And the mighty peace then shall prevail forever
Forever , forever and forever !

Credits for theme : sanjana jain