Wednesday 24 August 2016

The mighty unknown !

I walk a lonely road
The only one that i have ever known
And I frame where it goes
That all need to walk alone , walk alone
And no one can escape
The road that i have made
All need to travel
No matter how hard may be the gravel
My ways are not straight
Twisty turvy turns always await
Simple is not a word i reckon
Enticing for me is a perpetual warning by beacon
Artist i am , scenery i create
My road is my scenery , my road is other's fate
So careful i must be when i design scenery
Why make it so much glee with greenery
And hence i add to my road the colors of grief
To my lonely road , i want to plant an adventure leaf
As i say simple i dont reckon
Metamorphism my road will have in seconds
And with topsy turvy turns i would so much divert
That in a jiffy person lands from canopies to desert
People would love me , people would hate me
People would hail me , people will condemn me
But i will keep walking on my lonely road
Which is the one i have ever know
And i frame where it goes
That all people will always have to walk alone
Through the journey of my fellow mates
I would hate to listen that voyage was so straight
Addition hence i want to make to their fate
Experiences which may be sour , experiences which may be great
And on every corner of the road i create
A challenge would await
For the experience process to initiate .
My challenges are not a child's play
Many fragile hearts have jumped off the difficult way
But walk on my lonely insane road with valour
For once try to just let go and become a sailor
And through out your journey
Your souls would drop
Your souls would soar
But at last by pride u can roar
That you have walked this lonely road
Which you have never known
Framed by me , the time
The mighty, ominous time

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