Saturday 14 January 2017

Fear and passion

Every human ever born,
In anything he ever did , ever does or ever will
Would always face the most confusing confusion
Whether to subdue to fear or walk the path of passion
Everything , anything, any course of action
Would trickle down to this decision
Where a great choice has to be made ,
Subdue to fear or walk the path of passion
The first and the acclaimed , the powerful , the mighty is the fear
A world surrounded by dark hopeless sphere
This realm being guided by the general accepted
And going by the book, tried and tested
A world how mundane it might be
But a world that this society's all powerful eyes are empowered to see
The colors of life are no where to be found
The whole sphere of this realm resonates with monotonous humdrum sounds
And this arena with all its dark glory
Still stands firm , victorious , an ending choice to many stories
And in a small corner , brutally overpowered by the fear
But still flying , always fighting in this dark atmosphere,
Is the colorful , enticing , passion
Fighting the mighty old society to imbibe some innovation
Like a Robert frost's road not taken
This choice is forever forsaken
A choice which dares to be different
A choice which dares you to dazzle
A choice which is is not eminent
A choice which challenges you to battle
But a choice that follows your heart
And make you , from everyone , stand apart
And be the prodigy that this world is in always want of
A prodigy which, by this world of fear, is dwarfed
At the end it all comes to making the greatest choice
Whether to crawl on the boring barren land , or to tread the difficult but playful muddy moist
And bring attention to the most foremost sanction
To subdue to the mighty fear , or tread the path of colorful passion

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