Sunday 3 August 2014

the mighty fear !!

I see those hands
Hands standing like fangs
Eager to engulf me
And drown me in the endless sea
he looks in no mood to negotiate
And anxious to make me a bait
He scares me horrifies me
And stings me continuously like bee
Yes I feel it , I m getting scared
And my will so scared to dare
I can feel its pressure
Trying to keep me away from my pleasure
And while all this happen
I dwell in confusion
Should I fight the mighty
Or surrender before the deity
The force so strong
I cant hold it for long
I m between the devil and deep blue sea
An inch away to become free
It’s the time however
Its now or never
It’s a battle between me and my fear
Fangs of fear too difficult to bear
But no I cant give in
I  am not a trash in dustbin
I have to break the pseudopodia
And leave behind my phobia
I would be stopped humiliated for once
But no, the task has to be done
For ultimate happiness lies on the other side
When all my fears I keep aside , when all the fears I keep aside  

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