Thursday 9 June 2016

Peace of mind

Mind was rattling

Rambling, thought it was enjoying

Always running to run

In this infinite race, find fun

Lost i was

Confused a bit

Dilemma it was

Where do I stand amidst

And with haywire destiny

And places infinity

I sprinted here and there

But alas ! What i wanted was nowhere

And in this tantrum of ecstasy

My destiny turned topsy turvy

Where in the silence i would find noise

But in this new serene noise i found silence

I sat there doing nothing

Not moving a leg , not necessary to blink

Only this hand moving

To describe the serenity of beauty

The aura it invoked

The rivers that spoked

Sit i can , all along

As if , there i belong

Doing nothing

Achieved everything

My run is over at last

Succumbed and dawned to noisy silence

This is my dope , one of it’s kind

I call it , the peace of my mind

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