Friday 27 September 2013

English : way of communication

English a way of communication 

Helping in making relation bw nation

A language for everyone

Easy to be understood by anyone

If world is a big hole

Then english is its stiches 

If world is a board 

Then english is its hinges

Spelling is not same as prounounciation

Which adds to its fascination

Its difficult many have a manifestation

But it is i think a very beautiful creation 

English has become a symbol of pride 

If you speak it the world u wud ride 

But if in english u r backward 

In eyes of the world u r absurd

if world is a movie 

Then english is its play button 

If world is a night 

Englis is a lantern 

If world is a charger 

Then english is its electricity

If world  is handsome boys 

Then english is a girl that is pretty

English is source of energy for communication

If u noe it u r a hero otherwise its a matter of tension

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Rich man poor man ..

Once i was walking on a road 

I saw a person with some load 

All his clothes were torn 

With poverty he was born

I remembered the rado watch for which i cried

For the different brands for which i died 

He walked happily barefoot on the burning street 

Whereas i got depressed with no branded shoes in my feet

For him one day meal was a feast 

A minute without food turns me into a beast 

He run errands day and night to earn 100 bucks 

But i spent the same on starbucks Many kilometres he walked to find a work 

But dimmunitive for me , was a job of clerk 

But inspite what he was deprived of 

He lived his life an edge off 

He was happy for what he had 

 neglectance of my wishes made me sad 

I realized how poor i actually was 

Getting depressed without a cause

What is politics ??

Yesterday , a small innocent boy asked me ,

 "Oh ! The other day I was watching T.V. ,

 They were talking something about politics,

 Meaning of which I was not able to fix ,

 Tell me ! Please tell me ! What is it ,

 As i am confused a bit ,

 Does it refers to our plumpy , fat headed politicians

 Whose missions always remain missions ,

 Or it refers to humurous yet brutal quarrels in parliament ,

 Which even mad dogs would like to prevent ,

 Is it , no , it is, I think the tons of money spent to come in power,

 Where poor citizens of our free country still do not get 2 meals a day to savour ,

 It may also be their diplomatic minds, engrossed to defeat opposition ,

 For which country's development is a fiction ,

 Can politics be compared to a boring lecture ,

 In which every one is physically present but mentally fractured ,

 Or is it the immense power available to our politician ,

 Who commit cruel crimes , but roam without any tension ,

 What kind of politicsis this ,

 Where our silent PM dances on wims and fancies of a mistress ,

 Particularly , i was not able to understand tthis politics' connotation,

 That why a son of politician is bound to be a politician ,

 And is politics only a game of old citizens ,

 For I have not seen any paticipation from young men and women ,

 Yet one more question lingering in my mind ,

 If you would be kind enough to help me leave all my doubts behind ,

 I have seen a new trend , which i assume is politics ,

 Usurping the protesters from root , is it a part of politics ?? "

 And there I stood before the child ,

 Helpless, speechless , nervous a mild,

 Every question , so simple to understand but difficult to answer,

 Surprised I was to hear such questions from a minor ,

 But from his whole confusion , I got a clarification ,

 That even  a 10 year old knows the condition of politics in our nation ....

Life is like an ice cream

Yesterday i went to a ice cream parlour ,

chocolate , vanilla ice cream of every flavour, 

Tempted by it i bought a cup ,

As soon as i tasted it a confusion came up ,

I said .. oh it seems to me like life ,

Every moment carried by it like a bee hive,

Somewhere sweet like happy moments ,

Somewhere bitter like sobbing incidents,

Soft and buttery like smooth life which goes on and on,

But small little hard chocolate chips like diminutive hiccups and cons,

Not only that cup resembles life ,

But has also taught me a great lesson of life,

We should savour and enjoy each moment of our cup of life ,

For we get it only once not twice !!


Beauties of nature !!

This world is so beautiful 

Inspiring , melodious and so colorful 

 Beauties sprouting around me everywhere

 Every element getting it's share 

Hard to believe it is , this creation of God

Putting all the positives and negatives into a mod 

Every tree containing green 

But in every green there is a difference seen 

And then these flowers I see 

And I see them with utmost glee 

So much variety to count 

In Enhancing the beauty ,they are the paramount 

The rivers hovering like snake on the land 

Giving a new meaning to the rocks and sand 

then I admire the tall mountain

the mesmerizing falling rain 

Finding, these are not only to wonder

But even teaches ways to correct our blunders

Long, old trees always remain bent 

Teaching us to always lend 

Soft blossomed tulip lily and bloom 

Telling people to remain happy even in gloom 

Mountains teaches to stand like a rock 

And with valour all worries to block 

And the falling rain giving life to the lives 

inspiring to shower your help for those who strive 

Every element so accurate so well defined 

I truly appreciate it's creator's mind 

Nature surely a thing of beauty 

Very successfully accomplishing it's moral duty 

I sincerely want to thank the mastermind behind 

For giving this world the best present they can ever find ...      

Fly in the sky !!

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Leave behind all my worries and cry 

And say to my worries , good bye 

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Tired of this worlds hypocrisy and lie 

And all the fake bonding getting day by day dry 

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

No hesitation nor i am shy 

To ask the question as to why 

The world around you and my 

Where it is going i exclaim with a sigh 

And so desperate i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Humanity a topic to wry 

Roasted like burnt chicken fry 

Leaving all this i want to fly

Up and up and up in the sky 

And one day when death before me would lie 

I would say to it - "hi

Before going with you , u once fly 

And put all those beasts without heart to standby 

And then with you i will fly 

Up and up and up in the sky