Wednesday 11 September 2013

Fly in the sky !!

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Leave behind all my worries and cry 

And say to my worries , good bye 

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Tired of this worlds hypocrisy and lie 

And all the fake bonding getting day by day dry 

Like a bird i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

No hesitation nor i am shy 

To ask the question as to why 

The world around you and my 

Where it is going i exclaim with a sigh 

And so desperate i want to fly 

Up and up and up in the sky 

Humanity a topic to wry 

Roasted like burnt chicken fry 

Leaving all this i want to fly

Up and up and up in the sky 

And one day when death before me would lie 

I would say to it - "hi

Before going with you , u once fly 

And put all those beasts without heart to standby 

And then with you i will fly 

Up and up and up in the sky

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