Wednesday 11 September 2013

What is politics ??

Yesterday , a small innocent boy asked me ,

 "Oh ! The other day I was watching T.V. ,

 They were talking something about politics,

 Meaning of which I was not able to fix ,

 Tell me ! Please tell me ! What is it ,

 As i am confused a bit ,

 Does it refers to our plumpy , fat headed politicians

 Whose missions always remain missions ,

 Or it refers to humurous yet brutal quarrels in parliament ,

 Which even mad dogs would like to prevent ,

 Is it , no , it is, I think the tons of money spent to come in power,

 Where poor citizens of our free country still do not get 2 meals a day to savour ,

 It may also be their diplomatic minds, engrossed to defeat opposition ,

 For which country's development is a fiction ,

 Can politics be compared to a boring lecture ,

 In which every one is physically present but mentally fractured ,

 Or is it the immense power available to our politician ,

 Who commit cruel crimes , but roam without any tension ,

 What kind of politicsis this ,

 Where our silent PM dances on wims and fancies of a mistress ,

 Particularly , i was not able to understand tthis politics' connotation,

 That why a son of politician is bound to be a politician ,

 And is politics only a game of old citizens ,

 For I have not seen any paticipation from young men and women ,

 Yet one more question lingering in my mind ,

 If you would be kind enough to help me leave all my doubts behind ,

 I have seen a new trend , which i assume is politics ,

 Usurping the protesters from root , is it a part of politics ?? "

 And there I stood before the child ,

 Helpless, speechless , nervous a mild,

 Every question , so simple to understand but difficult to answer,

 Surprised I was to hear such questions from a minor ,

 But from his whole confusion , I got a clarification ,

 That even  a 10 year old knows the condition of politics in our nation ....

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