Friday 3 October 2014

exam day

As i was slowly finding my way through the stairs
I found innumerable pairs
all engrossed in their respective books 
giving their books a last revision look 
everybody was tensed with severe grimness on face 
all struggling to stand first in the race 
the place was not less than a ground 
filled with noisy calamous of bird's sound 
now as i started my journey to my respective class
my heart started beating very fast
with every step my pulse increased 
i could my hand and head friezed
but after reaching the final destination 
my happiness caught fascination
as i saw the most linieant invigilator
oh ! how everybody was acknowledging the creator
at last started the exam 
invigilator switched on his spying cam
but children being perfect in cheating 
with efficiency started deceiving
as soon as teacher got alert 
the class got gravely silent , with faces absurd 
the time swiftly passed by
for 5 min extra everyone cried
invigilator turned out to be cruel 
he snatched away paper being brutal
the corridor was now full of pupils 
happy , tensed , discussing next perils 
corridor was full of chitter chatter
like the sound of heavy rainfall's pitter patter
i clamped down the stairs . distressed 
thinking " rest in peace ! oh that subject !"


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