Thursday 16 October 2014

Sundering relationships

Far away i stand 

But still tied with band 

The band which once was dense 

Gripped like tight fence

Has now sundered

Strong rock now tempered

We used to talk hours on phone 

As if u resided in my bones

We played , laughed got thrill out of life

But now got so busy , not even to spare for a moment for u from my life

Many a times i see a hands coming over my shoulder

Allowing me to stand against any vageries like a soldier 

I want to meet u , talk to u , laugh once again with you 

But life now gives a moment few 

Once, u came before any other i reminicize 

But now, trivial activities i prioritize 

I can feel the Slight pull even now 

but i am not able to talk to u somehow 

Why is it so difficult to overcome the fear 

To talk to the one which was once so dear ... 

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