Saturday 4 October 2014

Life of a tree

I was planted in soil as seed
Soil being my mother did my feed
Little by little i did grow
How happy did i feel i do know
I captured the sky with my small shoot
Soil became my kingdom through my root
New leaves turned reflecting me to be young
How merry were the songs that pleasent breeze sung
But this was nothing as i to reach sky
Before me many years lie
I played with birds and squirrels were the best
Running here and there giving me no rest
As i grow up i understood my life was for others
Women were my sister and men were my brothers
My growth was slow but full of experience
I witnessed everything till where my eyes were fenced
I laboured in the day time by producing food
And in night i slept with a dreamy mood
Next came the most prosperous stage of my life
For i , gave birth to a new life
So happy did i feel at that moment
I wanted that time to be fixed by cement
I struggled all seasons
Because i had solid reasons
I wanted to touch the sky
But for this difficult task how many times i had to go dry
For one season joy overwhelmed me
But the other made me so lonely
But irrespective of all these hurdles i moved on
My aim was coming near as i was growing on and on
With great heights comes great responsibility
Now i have to hold so many things in my small city
I dont know how the time passed by
I reminicize every moment with a sigh
As now i was growing old
40 ft i have grown , i was told
From a small seed to such a big tree
But my old age was not free
Now not thinking of myself but of others
I tried my level best to be the best mother
For now everything near me belonged to me
Squirrels , pigeons , crows all became integrated part of me
From a small child i have become grandpa
I know my grandchildren but they dont value me as their dada
Life has taught me many lessons
And sometimes these lessons give me tensions
I worked selflessly for everyone around me
But the hope of return is hidden to me
In hundred years of my life i came to this conclusion
The soil and good and bads with your death undergo fusion

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