Sunday 4 December 2016


In the glorious chambers of the largest empire
Resided an emporer, that the whole empire admired with a satire
His highness was the most assertive, notorious, and puissant monarch
His fury would aggravate to any hurdles arising in orders he embarked
And the empire , powerless , helpless, to the ire of his highness
Silently obeyed and satiracally admired to avoid any menace
Fore, there was one fellow who was valiant , insane enough to say methinks
Emporer calmly replied
Think is my thing, your think, will bring to this empire ,jinx
And slashed the next day the fellow was found
And hence all others in the empire thereafter subsist with fake smiles and no sound
But in this huge empire with no one with no desire
Where all desires were pumped out by the emporer through a wire
And where all colors have seem to fade avaunt
There was one who reverbrated like a melidous song
In the vast desert of darkness and gloom
As an illumination it bloomed
And where others revolved as gears, black and grey
The one , the only , dazzled in million color array
The greedy , envious , malicious, desirous his highness couldn't fathom the uniqueness
Cause he knew , a day would come , where his siege could jeopardize due to unique's sweetness
And the cruel, ruthless, barbarian overlord
Chained and imprisoned the the ever colorful, ever smiling , ever dancing , unique bod
Punished by lashes , reprimanded on burning fire
For the crime to be fain in reign of the puissant overlord
Every effort was made bring the grey out of coloured attire
But even after million assay
To turn the smile away
The unique one was still fain enough, glee enough to reverbrate the symphony
Which was hazardous to the emporer's tyranny
And the tyrant overlord couldnt end this symphony
Since he knew , it would bring mutiny and death will meet the empire's destiny
The bewildered emperor , envious more, hence called for the unique one
Hammered with venegance , but still shining with the brightest light, the one was summoned
So the inquizite yet envious more, emperor asked -
"When i have rained all the ruthlessness upon thou
When with all my might i have attacked all thy colors
With chains all around and no happiness to conjure
When the greatest endurers break down
With dawning of sufferings which would scare death avaunt
How , tell me how , that fain smile thy lips allow ? "
With tears in his highness's eyes , tears of no sorrow , tears of helplessness
Tears of helplessness to the one's uniquesness
And The one , stood there , for once losing his smile to his highness helplessness
And with a sound that was firm , a sound that was composed he answered gently -
"HIS HIGHNESS ! Take my greetings and warm wishes.
For thou ask , i take the audacity to widen the small and non existent niche
I dare to mock at thy eximious foolishness
Which elevates your sorrow, anxiety and helplessness"
The crown frowned but the one continued
"Thou and i are not very diverse
Just we are true opposites in this large universe
With your logical aggression
And your dominant assertion
The empire though with gloom
Silently accepts its doom
Your majesty , i am very apologetic to comment further
That you are the greatest mechanical engineer
For from the talents and colors immense Thou turned thy empire into grey gears working 24*7 , no knowledge of any tense
And painting the whole scenery in shades of grey
Thy followers have been blinded by remorse , devoid of any ray(of light)
The only hope they have
The only happiness they imbibe
The only light they possess
Is through the visions i make them witness
That i see through my endavour
To the places i savour
Aye ! Your majesty ! Aye !
I travel when you are asleep
I break the chains and all the boundations
And float like a feather
In this beautiful world
And show you visions which you name dreams
The only moments when you are carefree and easy thy life seems
You can punish me more , you can take your revenge
But hurting me , means hurting yourself
Hurting your empire
Hurting your existence
Hurting everything thou love
Reprimanding will cause no harm to me
For i am not what you see
I am talent, i am color, i am the light
The illumination , the brightest sight
Thou cant tame me, thou cant chain me
Your majesty will benefit only if thou set me free
For then , i can take you to the worlds you have never seen,
And make you dicover talent endavours that u have never been
Invoke passion , sensation what seems to have eroded
And bring light to this empire which was till now blindfolded
Let your empire dazzle in true colors of uniqueness
And then witness how on you descends the wide array of happiness
Just for a part of day set me free
For your entire empire i will bring hopes and glee
And bless you with the immense light
Pleasures of which still keeps off your sight "
The emporer was hypnotized , he couldn't actualize , materialze
His eyes couldnt get off the bright halo that surrounded the one
His ears couldnt get off the pleasures of things they learnt
With his hands clasped and knees down
And head on the one's foot
Eyes melting with tears of despair
Tears of joy
Tears of regret
Tears that didnt need his let
And he couldnt look up the one in the eye
For the light of illumination overpowered the overlord's ego , assertion and aggression
His speech was bloated by remorse , grief and guilt
And in presence of the light, he realized what a demon of himself he has built
Ensorcelled, by the majesty of the one ,
He laid there , saying words none
But the one picked up the dilapidated emporer
And said again calmly
"U are not foolish my son
But you made a mistake by overpowering yourself to be the only one
Value the talents , value the colors
And identify the spurt of excellence which in every part of your empire shimmers
And i will fix your rendevouz with the bright light
And illuninate you by its might "
And now in the chambers of the largest empire
Resides an emperor that everyone truly admires

References :

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Hell to heaven

I was walking a lonely road
A road that had no one aboard
A road that was all grey in its gloom
As if wrying on its doom
And i walked lost without any hope
Legs resisted , body being pulled by an invisible rope
And with all gray in that wide array
I just desired it or I to run away, run away
And when there was no sight of any respite
I saw shining a bright light
A light which came from another world
To enlighten , to brighten my world
It came from behind the tree
A light that was heavenly, that was free
It was as if someone has ensorcelled my senses
Not necessary to blink for i cant allow anything to block my lenses
And i stood there , stupified, mesmerized , hypnotized by this manifestation
Each ray of light , touching my soul , adding to my delectation
Each ray of light , constructing a new bridge of hope
And making me more obdurate to resist the pull of invisible rope
No ordinary light it was , casted straight from heaven
Singing silently the melodious symphonies of beethoven
And lost i was enjoying my dope
Listening to the melodious silence of rays of hope
Like a disciple admiring the beauty of the omnipotent
My face exclaimed the euphoria which was somewhere latent
The ecstacy which was otherwise snatched by grey
Was showered upon me by these godly ray
And nothing more i demand , nothing more can add to my satisfaction
For while living in inferno , i have seen my heaven

Wednesday 24 August 2016

The mighty unknown !

I walk a lonely road
The only one that i have ever known
And I frame where it goes
That all need to walk alone , walk alone
And no one can escape
The road that i have made
All need to travel
No matter how hard may be the gravel
My ways are not straight
Twisty turvy turns always await
Simple is not a word i reckon
Enticing for me is a perpetual warning by beacon
Artist i am , scenery i create
My road is my scenery , my road is other's fate
So careful i must be when i design scenery
Why make it so much glee with greenery
And hence i add to my road the colors of grief
To my lonely road , i want to plant an adventure leaf
As i say simple i dont reckon
Metamorphism my road will have in seconds
And with topsy turvy turns i would so much divert
That in a jiffy person lands from canopies to desert
People would love me , people would hate me
People would hail me , people will condemn me
But i will keep walking on my lonely road
Which is the one i have ever know
And i frame where it goes
That all people will always have to walk alone
Through the journey of my fellow mates
I would hate to listen that voyage was so straight
Addition hence i want to make to their fate
Experiences which may be sour , experiences which may be great
And on every corner of the road i create
A challenge would await
For the experience process to initiate .
My challenges are not a child's play
Many fragile hearts have jumped off the difficult way
But walk on my lonely insane road with valour
For once try to just let go and become a sailor
And through out your journey
Your souls would drop
Your souls would soar
But at last by pride u can roar
That you have walked this lonely road
Which you have never known
Framed by me , the time
The mighty, ominous time

Sunday 7 August 2016

Peace on war

They told us to load the guns
To invoke hatred , violence with each dawning sun
To beseech for the war so glorious
Combatting for peace by a war so ferocious

Slaughtered massacre they want
Connection of red with brown they long
Suppressing the noise by strangling the throats
They believe with every drop of blood , tranquility floats

With the intentions of brutus
And the power of hercules
They crave for a crusade
To fulfil desires for peace

They say ,
Throttle the heads
Silence will prevail
No head to speak
Peace would trail

Win they want over peace
Fight for it they must they forsee

But question I thou
Peace you preach
But by war how ?

The biggest irony my ears have caught
Where for peace wars are fought ?
In the name of god and in the name of tranquility
Laying down hundreds of life without pity

Serenity thy fantasy
But Silence thy destiny
Silence uproared by bloistrous noises
Noise blackened by your sin's voices

U may strangle now
Supress, crumble and claim glory now
But soon cometh the hour you will regret
When deeds of your past you can't forget

Bedore waging the epic war,
Just for one moment drop all weapons
Weapons possessed by you
And weapon that possesses you
Former being menial
Latter being the devil's avenue
And sit back and relax
Ponder , why you need an axe
Peace you demand , war you preach
Paradox to me , it completely seems
Peace is the serenity filled with beauty
War is a massacre possessed by blood and mutiny
Peace is a sweet melody sung by the god himself
War is a curse spelt by the devil himself

Invoke calmness within and see the spellworking
Peace would crept up omniously from within
All your weapons i say are futile
Wasting you were , your time , all the while
Mates ! Peace cannot be won ! Peace cant be chained !
Peace can only be achieved by boarding the introspection train

For what you preach
U want no war on peace
Only focus what you admire for
And with great ardor declare Peace On War

And finally with the weapon aside
Peace would come alive
Ecstacy would spread by
Among you and family thy
And the mighty peace then shall prevail forever
Forever , forever and forever !

Credits for theme : sanjana jain

Sunday 26 June 2016

Lost and found !

Part of my life i have lost
Part of life i retrieved
The former being abode of ennui
And the other being so sweet

On a road i was
Glitter , happiness , Forgery , it embossed
Surrounded by light everywhere
Pseudo euphoria engulfed where ever i stared
How happy i was !
How happy was i ?
Even after having everything for what i did wry
Why would the inner happiness just come by
My face engraved with hoax smile
But behind my smile laid agony , wet ,  weary , boredom files
In this road of Stardom
My journey began for boredom
Fully engaged into something
Devil it was in garb of blessing
And the bright lights on the road
Kept me in an illusion of my entrepot
To happiness , to satisfaction
Which devil's quagmire didnt possess by fraction

And when i thought the road would not end
And from quagmire i wont be able to amend
The road took a beautiful diversion
And confronted me with my passion
Walking and walking and walking
Just walking and no talking
Where the illuminated road filled with joy was an ennui
This dark diversion packed with uncanny surprises became the new fantasy
And with every uncanny turn
My heartbeat would sojourn
For the insane beauty would uprise
And would take a comfortable seat in my mind's premise
Nothing to do , just walk
Nothing to think , just admire the walk
And this is when the satisfaction engulfs
And the enigma of true happiness unfolds
And the peace pulps

But at last this this diversion ended
And the devil again laid open handed
To greet me , to hug me
To again drag me
From where i had escaped miraculously
But this time strong and firm was I
Empowered by satisfaction and joy
And the force being with me
Successful was I
In saying the devil goodbye

And finally part of me was lost
Part of my life i retrieved
The former being abode of ennui
The other being so sweet

Thursday 9 June 2016

Peace of mind

Mind was rattling

Rambling, thought it was enjoying

Always running to run

In this infinite race, find fun

Lost i was

Confused a bit

Dilemma it was

Where do I stand amidst

And with haywire destiny

And places infinity

I sprinted here and there

But alas ! What i wanted was nowhere

And in this tantrum of ecstasy

My destiny turned topsy turvy

Where in the silence i would find noise

But in this new serene noise i found silence

I sat there doing nothing

Not moving a leg , not necessary to blink

Only this hand moving

To describe the serenity of beauty

The aura it invoked

The rivers that spoked

Sit i can , all along

As if , there i belong

Doing nothing

Achieved everything

My run is over at last

Succumbed and dawned to noisy silence

This is my dope , one of it’s kind

I call it , the peace of my mind

Saturday 2 April 2016

Living in a lie

Life, a magnificent stage 

Entrapped in a fabrication cage 

Where everything is a truth 

But everything is a lie 

Like a skillful protagonist 

In the glamour of the stage admist 

He plays many a roles

Unfolding many a chapter, life holds

And with each progressive fold 

He advances his voyage to lie 

A lie that he cant descry 

Born he was pure , pristine

The last time when innocence and truth align

As he gets acquainted with new characters 

Who on their stage are fabulous actors 

He being naive, steps in the quagmire 

Quagmire he aint afraid of , quagmire that he admire

Quagmire of pretence,myth and lie

A lie that he cant descry 

He doesnt have the audacity nor the capacity 

To question the life-stage's authenticity 

Cause the bigger stage , the society, would name him hysteric 

To question whether his life pivot is authentic 

And brought up , he was ,to believe the essence

The essence of his actions was no pretence

All acts of his will, all acts of his desired fantasy 

Destined to fill him with ecstacy

But dawns upon him a truth 

The truth of the biggest lie 

Which was diligently placed in chapter one of his life 

And with which he had ever drive 

The realization strikes

That an actor he was all his life 

Pretending , acting skillfully on this magnificent stage

Where he thought his acts were to fulfil dreams that he envisage

But not more than a puppet he was 

Dancing to the whims and fancies of the audience 

A stage he always thought he beholds 

But unaware that he was under the stage hold

Not mire than a harbinger of smile and delight 

Fulfilling onlooker's expectations like a dark knight 

And in the last chapter of the play

Filled by wrath and dismay 

Still his heart forces him to deny

That he wasnt able to descry

That he was living in a lie 

Saturday 5 March 2016


The winds are changing
Warmth slowly waining
The freeze is setting in
Frosting slowly everything
But what throttles is this soul
Ignited as a burning coal
Jumping , surging , urging to fly
To fly and fly and fly
Like in a static pole
The ever energetic electricity flow
The soul being the the electricity
Runs from head to toe
The soul rising to rise
Urging to thrust , to entice
And this soul escapes
To commence the magnificent phase
The phase of eminence and glory 
The unforgettable journey of ecstacy
So lets bring our souls adjacent
Combine the force , and mark the advent