Friday 26 December 2014

Endless sky

Till my eyes lie 

There is endless sky 

Where a dozen happiness stand by 

And many other i cant descry 

Things are hazy , but alluringly fly 

All as divine as a lullaby 

And till my eyes lie 

There is endless sky 

 before me an endless path lie 

To achieve this heavenly sky 

And in a hope to reach high 

I decided to give this path a try 

I walked walked without a sigh 

But still till my eyes lie 

There was endless sky 

With every step my worries amplify 

Coz with every step the demons multiply

Ceasing me to fly 

To touch the sky 

Every method to cease me they apply 

Being it the temptations or sorrowful wry 

But still my eyes lie 

On the endless sky 

Path was endless so was the sky 

But its beauty enlightening a hope in me to try

Horrors , attraction all it pacify 

And aided me to solidify 

But still till my eyes lie 

There was endless sky 

Now i had understood this path would never fry 

And this journey would continously amplify 

And no power in me to vie

Because still till my eyes lie 

There was endless sky 

but still i didnt stupefy 

Beacuse its beauty still gratify

And forcing me to see back and edify 

That how everything i did ratify 

To one day glorify 

I have reached my final destination the endless sky ...

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Life , a dream

I somtimes wonder 

What if my life was a blunder 

It had no foundation 

All of it based on hallucination 

Every moment of my life 

Till now that i have drived 

Was nothing but an illusion 

My dreamworld's intrusion 

All of it embedded in a bubble

Ready to get fumbled

Whole of my existence 

And whole of my essence 

Ready to get burst 

My supposed life's gonna rust

 And this fear gnaws me 

Can it possibly be 

That one fine day i wake up in my bed 

To realize that my dream is now dead 

For all that i have lived till now was futile 

A dream it was , far away from my supposed life's abaxile

And there i lay in my bed holding my blanket tight 

Wondering how i lived 18 yrs in one night 

Friday 21 November 2014

Sleepless nights

Something keeping me awake 

Keeping me alive like freshwater lake 

A thousand ton sit on my eyes 

Second by second slowly flies 

Nor i move nor i rest 

Empowered by alien zest 

The mind infected by complete hangover 

But this reality doesnt get over 

I am on periphery of gates of dreamworld 

But my path is strongly huddled 

I dont know what gnaws me 

Stopping me  to reach my destiny 

I lay in my bed doing nothing 

What may i do to remove this something 

My eyes ready to fall 

My mind working on speed of baby's crawl 

Body as heavy as my eyes 

Situation akin to demise 

And yet i explore for motivation 

Motivation to end this exploration 

And enter into fantasy delight 

Bringing an end to my sleepless nights..

Monday 27 October 2014

Supressing load

This is a poem for all students who are exhausted doing their homework and hard work

I think i do my work seriously
But then also i get scolding furiously
I always try my best
But teachers dont give a rest
Work keeps on piling up
I think i am caught in a work cup
I do nothave a casual approach
But one miss and u become a poach
Notebooks , work and work bewildering and terrifying me
But i then also cut fear in me
Doing work all the time
Becoming a character of mime
I do not have a casual approach
But one miss and u become a poach
The bloody work never ends
Then a message to my brain is sent
Just run and run and run away from all the work
And makes my mind a jerk
I do not have a casual approach
But one miss and u become a poach

Thursday 16 October 2014

Sundering relationships

Far away i stand 

But still tied with band 

The band which once was dense 

Gripped like tight fence

Has now sundered

Strong rock now tempered

We used to talk hours on phone 

As if u resided in my bones

We played , laughed got thrill out of life

But now got so busy , not even to spare for a moment for u from my life

Many a times i see a hands coming over my shoulder

Allowing me to stand against any vageries like a soldier 

I want to meet u , talk to u , laugh once again with you 

But life now gives a moment few 

Once, u came before any other i reminicize 

But now, trivial activities i prioritize 

I can feel the Slight pull even now 

but i am not able to talk to u somehow 

Why is it so difficult to overcome the fear 

To talk to the one which was once so dear ... 

Saturday 4 October 2014

Life of a tree

I was planted in soil as seed
Soil being my mother did my feed
Little by little i did grow
How happy did i feel i do know
I captured the sky with my small shoot
Soil became my kingdom through my root
New leaves turned reflecting me to be young
How merry were the songs that pleasent breeze sung
But this was nothing as i to reach sky
Before me many years lie
I played with birds and squirrels were the best
Running here and there giving me no rest
As i grow up i understood my life was for others
Women were my sister and men were my brothers
My growth was slow but full of experience
I witnessed everything till where my eyes were fenced
I laboured in the day time by producing food
And in night i slept with a dreamy mood
Next came the most prosperous stage of my life
For i , gave birth to a new life
So happy did i feel at that moment
I wanted that time to be fixed by cement
I struggled all seasons
Because i had solid reasons
I wanted to touch the sky
But for this difficult task how many times i had to go dry
For one season joy overwhelmed me
But the other made me so lonely
But irrespective of all these hurdles i moved on
My aim was coming near as i was growing on and on
With great heights comes great responsibility
Now i have to hold so many things in my small city
I dont know how the time passed by
I reminicize every moment with a sigh
As now i was growing old
40 ft i have grown , i was told
From a small seed to such a big tree
But my old age was not free
Now not thinking of myself but of others
I tried my level best to be the best mother
For now everything near me belonged to me
Squirrels , pigeons , crows all became integrated part of me
From a small child i have become grandpa
I know my grandchildren but they dont value me as their dada
Life has taught me many lessons
And sometimes these lessons give me tensions
I worked selflessly for everyone around me
But the hope of return is hidden to me
In hundred years of my life i came to this conclusion
The soil and good and bads with your death undergo fusion

Friday 3 October 2014

exam day

As i was slowly finding my way through the stairs
I found innumerable pairs
all engrossed in their respective books 
giving their books a last revision look 
everybody was tensed with severe grimness on face 
all struggling to stand first in the race 
the place was not less than a ground 
filled with noisy calamous of bird's sound 
now as i started my journey to my respective class
my heart started beating very fast
with every step my pulse increased 
i could my hand and head friezed
but after reaching the final destination 
my happiness caught fascination
as i saw the most linieant invigilator
oh ! how everybody was acknowledging the creator
at last started the exam 
invigilator switched on his spying cam
but children being perfect in cheating 
with efficiency started deceiving
as soon as teacher got alert 
the class got gravely silent , with faces absurd 
the time swiftly passed by
for 5 min extra everyone cried
invigilator turned out to be cruel 
he snatched away paper being brutal
the corridor was now full of pupils 
happy , tensed , discussing next perils 
corridor was full of chitter chatter
like the sound of heavy rainfall's pitter patter
i clamped down the stairs . distressed 
thinking " rest in peace ! oh that subject !"


Tuesday 30 September 2014

The hope, the black

Disliked by some ,hated by many 

My situation a bit uncanny

U people patent me for death 

Associate me with dread 

U say i am catastrophobic

Lifeless soulless , phobia of phobic

Peole feel bad to enter into me 

Scared to death when nothing they cant see 

Remorse my quality traits 

Taken to destroy many fates

Am i that bad 

Am i bound to make sad 

No i say to all those who think 

Understand my heavenly link 

Dont take me as a destroyer 

A symbolism of spoiler 

Rather i integrate all disintegrations

Enveloping all colors my occupation

When all lights are gone , all hopes are worn 

Then i am born 

See me as a hope

An ever extending rope 

I hold everything in collabration 

Part with me , feel ur extinction

Where no color stands in bay 

I am there to show u way 

Dont be petrified , i am at your back 

I am the hope , i am the black 

Friday 29 August 2014


Today i went for an ultrasound

Worried i was a girl would be found 

I was tensed, anxious 

Presence of babygirl in my womb would be obnoxious 

I cried whole night 

Thinking how would i fight 

And i entered doctors cabin 

Thinking my 2 months bearing woulg go vain 

Terrified , bewildered i laid on the bed 

All my face with fear ,red

And the machine started 

Starting was that to get reprimanded 

And the machine ran through my womb 

And this was the moment of doom

The doctor said it was a girl 

And fierce discussion amplified like whirl 

Aggrevated i was 

Unable i was to speak my cause 

And then the words came like a bomb 

From head to toe i was numb 

They said , this child has to be killed 

Part of me was to be drilled 

I stood there, dumb lost my composure 

I was stuck there in same posture but i said nothing , nothing and nothing 

I remained dumb even after knowing what was coming 

And next an injection went into my vein 

To relieve me of my physical pain 

But who , i ask who , would cure the mental trauma 

My life cut short from a wide panaroma 

I woke up after an hour 

My eyes like a heavy jar 

not ready to open 

They were burning like fresh oven 

And i dont know from where a voice came 

Would u let others face the same 

And with a jerk i stood 

Filled with courage and valour like a strong wood 

I ran like a mad dog 

To lift the shade from this misty fog 

And what a kind officer she was 

She repented with me for my loss 

And she pledged to speak for me 

For a dead ceaser she stood like antony 

And without a flicker of guilt 

I started my mission by clearing the family filth 

And now its my life 

To relieve aggrevieted mothers of their strife

Girls are not a burden 

Nor succombed to get a death so cruel and sudden 

Its a crime beyond any wildest dream 

Against which its our duty to scream 

So lets join hands and say 

You murderers , we warn u , run away , run away 

Thursday 14 August 2014

My best friend

My journey started with u 

U being there in those few 

Crawling our life forward togethr 

We were not friends , but brothers 

We played we laughed 

In each other's heart a niche we carved

I still remember those games of wall touch 

 And vikram betal games which we enjoyed so much 

And slowly we grew 

And time flew 

Our bonding grew strong and strong

And this journey continued long 

Trips we can never forget 

Moments we can never reset     

soft impression of your hand     

Have been stranded in my hand

Though u may go 

And tally marks of our meetings may go low 

But our friendship is an endless road 

I thank god for the friend he bestowed

And now u go to live ur all and one dream 

To discover the discovery beam 

And i wish u happy and auspicious life

Live ur life king size

Become the greatest scientist 

Come as a knight in this hazy mist 

And i am sure u would succeed

Cause u r a unique bead

And at last with all my will and heart 

I say goodluck to my sweetheart 

Sunday 3 August 2014

the mighty fear !!

I see those hands
Hands standing like fangs
Eager to engulf me
And drown me in the endless sea
he looks in no mood to negotiate
And anxious to make me a bait
He scares me horrifies me
And stings me continuously like bee
Yes I feel it , I m getting scared
And my will so scared to dare
I can feel its pressure
Trying to keep me away from my pleasure
And while all this happen
I dwell in confusion
Should I fight the mighty
Or surrender before the deity
The force so strong
I cant hold it for long
I m between the devil and deep blue sea
An inch away to become free
It’s the time however
Its now or never
It’s a battle between me and my fear
Fangs of fear too difficult to bear
But no I cant give in
I  am not a trash in dustbin
I have to break the pseudopodia
And leave behind my phobia
I would be stopped humiliated for once
But no, the task has to be done
For ultimate happiness lies on the other side
When all my fears I keep aside , when all the fears I keep aside  

Sunday 20 July 2014

Vicious death

And here comes the devil 

The devil bringing with him the peril 

The peril itself the death 

taking away the breath 

the momentary joy enclosed in a bubble 

Just bursts splashes off with a slight trebble 

Yesterday I saw him flying ,living his life 

And today woven into death strife 

How can I possibly believe 

How can I possibly conceive 

Death surely is inevitable 

But yet today I know death is surely too unpredictable 

And the person dies 

And her kin cries 

A cry of sorrow drops down my eyes 

Since the dead struck by death before me lies 

And I can now do nothing but lament 

Since Destiny overpowers us leaving us to repent 

technology !!

Technology example of human's mind's miracle

Reaching to its pinacle 

Every day sumthin new 

Things not affected by it are few

It has engulfed us like ameoba

A day without seems like a phobia

Tech is creativity of human mind

Dream turned into reality of anythin they find

Tech can also be defined as the small wheel constructed in bc

But the wheel of time has increased volume from thT wheel to

Things once made remain evergreen

But creative minds turn these small innovations into biggest
hits ever seen

What dnt we have today

From a simple touch the whole world we can play

Everybody merely uses everything arnd us

But a few think why and how in the big list it got plus

Even the smallest of it

Has so much stored in its kit

I wonder mny times

If tech was not there our life would be like rotten limes

contradiction of divinity

Since my childhood I wrapped my hands 
Closed my eyes and sang 
Sang aloud in chorus some divine words 
Words which were then blurred 
Essence of divinity grasped me 
Without knowing what is divinity 
But now I remember my past 
And think was I daft 
The whole concept of divinity
Lies miles away from worshipping the deity
Flowers , candles milk all tools to amplify devotion
Are nothing but waste , are divinity's revocation
Even the concept of finding God in a stone
Is like dialling a wrong phone
God can't be find in temples
Nor can divinity be amplified by worshipping rice or flower samples
True divinity lies in oneself
And can be amplified by helping other than self
God is nothing but a spirit
Which in everybody's heart comfortably sits
Encouraging him to do good
Refraining him from entering evil brotherhood
Helping a person deprived , a person who is in need
Is like planting a seed
Planting a seed in God's own heart
Since God resides in every heart
Those hands that preach of divinity
Yet have no feelings nor they pity
Are entangled in the world of hypocriscy
And likewise become victim of hypocrisy
They keep thinking that worshipping God is path to God
But their acts instead , taking them far from God
The ultimate satisfaction remains in helping others
Giving good for good and good for evil , treating everyone like brothers
And the essence of divinity lies in the defination
Lies in the defination of this ultimate path of satisfaction ...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Confusion haunts !!

I stand in this diversion 

Facing my strongest confusion 

Both calling for me to conquer 

But one has to be chosen to make life charmer 

I face this big dilemma

Which path to choose from this wide panorama 

Confused perplexed nervous a bit 

My bright future in one of them sits 

But I don't know which one to choose 

One would make me bright another would make me loose 

One path I see to be very hard 

The other is as simple as that of a retard's

Hard work is embedded in the hard one 

Difficult it seems, disinvolving fun 

But the other being straight as scale 

Fun easy , work of a frail 

Result too are foggy in the path one 

All I think would choose the second one 

But I am not the all 

I am a piece of sugar in this box of salt 

And yes I have made up my mind 

The first path have upon me a gripping bind 

I want to conquer this world , I want to be bright ,shiny luminous 

And only hard work can make that glory serious ..

Sunday 16 March 2014


Suppose with me an imagenary world 

Where boy looks boy 

And girl seems girl 

yet boy is a girl 

And girl is a boy 

Suppose with me an imaginary world 

Where boys were interested in shopping 

And girls were interested in sports 

Boys wore jewellery

And girls roam on streets like vagabonds 

Suppose with me an imaginary world

Where boys remain always excited 

And girls were always flirting on boys 

Boys cooked food after marriage 

And girls worked all day in offices minting money 

Suppose with me an imaginary world

Girls fighted for our country 

And their boys waited in home weeping 

Girls held roses in their hand to propose a boy 

And boy had the power to say yes or no 

Suppose with me an imaginary world 

Where a girl whistles on a boy 

And boy passes by giving a shy smile 

A girl was a tech guru 

And a boy was makeup savy 

Suppose with me an imaginary world 

The gangs were of girls 

And gossips were for boys 

The girls wore shirts and pants

And boys wore sarees 

Suppose with me an imagenary world 

Where girls did all the rituals 

And men were stopped from th same 

Boys kept nail paints 

And girls did not care for their nails 

Suppose with me an imagenary world 

Where girl became the stick for parent 

And a boy considered weight for their parent 

And boys left their homes after marriage 

And live in the home of girl 

Suppose with me an imagenary world 

Where girls dominated the boys 

And boys were beaten up by girls 

And girls raped the boys 

Boys life doomed forever 

Suppose with me this imagenary world 

Suppose with me this imagenary world 

Can it be worse

I saw a man yesterday 

And his condition give me a brief foray 

For I was at once tempted to think about him and his likes

That roam around begging around cars and bikes

Their grim face 

Left behind in this fast pace 

Their unkempt hair 

Potraying life had not been fair 

Seeking rats eyes 

Finding honey in house of flies 

Their dried ashes mouth 

The pain grievance they eagerly shout 

Their hard, black, tan ,muddy skin like a broken tile 

Parched more than that of a crocodile 

Their vertebrae bent ,almost protruding out 

Sharing the fate of a trout 

Now their naked bodies 

Clothes, a word so foggy 

Their hands or is should say only arms that too for some 

Remain on their shackled head weighed down by problems lump 

Their twisted bones and bent knees 

Worst than that of bees 

Their feet chiseled by sharp stones 

Accustomed to bear the pressure alone 

No place to live , no place to call their own 

And no food , to dread their bone 

Their thoughts have lost their mind being numb 

They move in this perpertual maze of the poverty's hump 

Years come by years go by 

But they live the life in a constant sigh 

For a man who has walked on Bing 

He has to fear nothing 

Dried in heat shivered in cold 

Making them strong and bold 

Their future their future misty rusty foggy 

Doomed forever by winds so gusty ...

Waving winds ..

A beast roaring in its den 

His den being the nature 

Making happy all women and men 

A happiness never felt before 

Waving in its womb 

Me u , everybody 

See there, leaf flying up the tomb 

See there , flying worries of an old to baby 

Everybody out of their homes

To feel the freshness 

See a glimpse of the invisible 

Feel it hear it experience it 

Everything dancing on their foot 

Celebrating the festival of wind 

So come on my friend come on 

It's the wind waving its the wind 

Tale of a flame

A flame flickering

Trying its best to sing 

A song so faint so feeble 

Like among rocks a pebble 

Waving right to left left to right 

Attempting to get a sight 

Audience it seeks 

Telling its tale through small beak 

It shines so bright 

Lighting the surround with its might 

A captive held in a glass 

Trying not to be alas 

People come sit laugh talk and go 

Even in large crowd loneliness ads to sorrow 

But no, it still waves 

There's hope in me it says 

It lives his life king size 

And try to rise and rise and rise 

But suddenly then a wind flows by 

And the poor flames dies the poor flame dies 

A matchstick then appears from the dark 

And the flame in the glass again lives on its mark 

And it's journey again starts 

To carve a niche for itself in other's heart , other's heart